October Goal Meet-Up


September was officially moving month, so last month most of my goals were moving-related.

September Goals

1.  Work more with gouache; more holiday card designs and more small paintings.  This is a continuing goal.

2. Go through all my stuff to see what I can get rid of. It had to be done.

3. Pack EVERYTHING. This also had to be done.

4. Move everything in to the new place, and get everything put away…by the end of the month (Move in is Sept. 19th by the way). I haven’t got everything put away yet, especially in the studio, but I’ve done a LOT so far.  Pictures are on their way.

October Goals

1.  Finish setting up the studio and get pictures posted next 2 weeks.

2. Serious art time.  Time to get down to business!

3. Finish a supply of all greeting cards, at least 25 of each card.

4. Get photos of new stuff done and uploaded.

01. October 2009 by Glade
Categories: Glademade progress | Tags: , , , , , , , | 6 comments

Comments (6)

  1. good luck for your october goals!! sounds like you are quite busy! good luck setting up the studio also!
    take care,

  2. Looking forward to seeing all the new photos of your “new stuff”, and good luck with October!

  3. My husband and I moved into a new place last November and we’re still putting things away. I think you’re doing great!

  4. Sounds like your move went well and that you feel good about where you stand. Good luck with your October goals!

  5. Sounds like you have lots of creating to do this month. Good luck making it happen! Have fun!

  6. Whew–moving can really take it out of you, can’t it? But it’s always refreshing to start over fresh in a new place! Good luck with your October goals. Can’t wait to see your new space!